MegaMIMO 2.0: Making Wi-Fi ten time faster

A team of MIT researchers thinks that they have figured out a way to improve the wireless data transfer speed up to 10 times in crowded areas. With the help of an approach called MegaMIMO 2.0, the researchers have reduced the signal interference. Now, they are contacting companies to discuss the potential for commercialization of this technology.

The researchers at MIT have collaborated their resources and knowledge to design a modern Wi-Fi system that will have the ability to transfer data at a mind-boggling speed, especially within densely populated zones. The MegaMIMO 2.0 can easily ward off the surrounding interference in order to boost its sharing speed.

According to one of the published results by the researchers at MIT, which clearly explains how this whole concept will get implemented to attain their desired results. An algorithm has been developed that will enable multiple routers to transmit information at the same frequency without causing any distortion in the signal, as per CNN Money.

The term MIMO stands for “multiple inputs, multiple outputs.” These researchers have already observed that the Wi-Fi speed has improved by 3.3 times, moreover, according to Ezzeldin Hussein Hamed, the leading person in this project believes that with more routers connected, the speed will be at least 10 times faster!

And this is not the least. Researchers involved in this project are trying to deliver this technology to the hands of the common people.

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